Monday, September 13, 2021

Mililani Complex Training

 The student council officers and I had an amazing time at the Mililani High School Leadership Training!

We got to meet student council officers from other mililani school's while being safe and keeping distance. 😷😊

The officers and I got to participate in many fun activities!

Posted by Kaley, Historian. 

Last photo with the Mililani High School student council


Ending photo with certificates for completing the training!

Here we are playing a fun pirate game where we get to interact with others.

This is our dance that we had to choreograph,
with two Mililani High school student council girls.
We made them do a little cartwheel in our dance.

The officers and I eating lunch while being social distanced.

The officers and I are sketching and presenting our unstoppable leader poster!
We named her Super 'Ike! πŸ¦ΈπŸ¦‰ 

This is the vice presidents break-out room with our vice president,
Chelsea and other vice presidents from other schools.