Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year and Reminders!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Here are some reminders as we start off the new year:

1/10 - Canned Food Drive Wrap -Up Committee lunch meeting for: Ardyn, Daniel, Nigel, Richelle, Malia, Henry, Tyler and Mia

1/14 - 3rd grade lunch meeting (prepare for class visits, planner cover voting)
1/15 - 4th grade lunch meeting (prepare for class visits, planner cover voting)
1/15 - Monthly SC Meeting 12:50 p.m. (changed from 1/8)
1/17 - 5th grade lunch meeting  (prepare for class visits)

January will be a busy month as prepare for Spirit Week (1/27-31), our Spirit Store opening (1/28) and the HI-5 Recycling Drive (1/31).

For those who are interested in helping with box top cutting, we will continue with that during first recesses until 1/24.