This week we had grade level lunch meetings and did a Thanksgiving themed activity. Each student wrote a note to the other SC members on what they would be grateful for if they were the other person. Some of the students were surprised about what others noticed about them. If you have a chance,ask your child to see the notes that were written to him or her and ask which note they enjoyed reading the most.
We continued with our box top cutting this week and will continue next week. Anyone interested in helping can come to the Student Council room during first recess.
We will have group picture taking next Friday, November 15, please have your child wear his/her SC or Ike shirt for the photo that day. Our scheduled time will be at about 8:55 a.m. but an announcement will be made when it is time to meet at the playcourt. Please let your child know about this and have them write it in his/her planner.