Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sign-Waving for Attendance Awareness

 On the morning of September 18 our SC Members support our school's efforts to promote good attendance at our school. We appreciate all of you who had to wake up and leave the house extra early to join us! 

MHS Homecoming Parade

 The Student Council Members joined our CPO group to march in the 2024 Mililani High School Homecoming Parade. We had a spirited group that cheered all the way! 

Much thanks to Mr. Tomisato, Mrs. Munechika, Mrs. Sugimoto and Mr. Oda who helped keep our group safe. They also keep us cool with their spray water bottles!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

First 5th Grade Meeting

Our fifth graders will be great leaders for our SC group and school this year! Many of them have already taken leadership roles on some of our first quarter projects and activities. Here's couple photos from our first 5th grade lunch meeting on September 12.

SC T-Shirts Have Arrived!

 Our Student Council T-Shirts have arrived just in time for the MHS Homecoming Parade. The shirts can be worn at SC activities and on Wednesdays when we show our 'Ike Pride. Our 4th graders received their shirts at our lunch meeting this week! 

First 3rd grade lunch meeting

 This week we had our first round of grade level meetings. Brennyn shared information about the classroom visits we will be doing soon for the IHS Collection. 

Attendance Awareness Poster Making

 We appreciate all our Student Council artists who are creating posters for our upcoming sign waving for Attendance Awareness. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bike Ed

Caught a couple of our 4th grade SC Members enjoying Bike Ed this week! 

First All-SC Meeting

 We had our first all SC Meeting on Wednesday, September 5. The Officers did a great job of going over our Student Council expectations and leading introductions. We played a mixer game to try to get to know everyone and Mrs. Ajifu stopped by to encourage and motive our group! 

Thank you to Quinn!

 Thanks to Quinn who used her artistic skill to create our flier for the IHS Collection which is coming up next month! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Officers kicking off the school year!

 Although we haven't had our first all-SC meeting yet our Officers have been working hard after school, and during lunch and recess to prepare for this upcoming year. They are looking forward to meeting all of our Class Reps at our first SC Meeting today! 

2024 Complex Leadership Training

Our Student Council Officers, Jaxon, Ryder, Maddie and Micayla started off the school year by attending Complex Leadership Training. The meeting on Thursday, August 15 was attended by the Student Councils of all Mililani public schools. The purpose of the training was to help prepare our new Officers to be our school’s student leaders. The Officers learned about the responsibilities of their individual  positions in addition to activities and ideas they will be sharing with the 2024-2025 Student Council.