Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Last SC Meeting

 For our last SC meeting of the school year many of our 4th and 5th grade students organized games and activities so we could have fun together for one last time. Aria, Jovie, Brennyn, Olivia and Anna prepared some fun games for us! Jovie, Brennyn, Lia and Ellie prepared certificates and speeches for our departing 5th graders. We ended the meeting with our President, Aria, presenting all the SC Members with Student Council pins. 

Assembly emcees

 Thank you to our officers who worked for two weeks before each assembly practicing their scripts.  They practiced at home, at lunch and during recess to make sure our assemblies ran smoothly and that names were pronounced correctly. Aria, Brennyn, Jovie and Mia did a great job on each of our 'Ike Pride Assemblies, we are so proud of them! 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Induction Ceremony for New Officers

 On May 21 we had a short Induction Ceremony for the Officers for next school year. The current Officers presented ribbons to our new Officers and Mrs. Ajifu lead them in a pledge. Congratulations to Jaxon, Ryder, Micayla and new SC Member Madison! 

Bye-Bye Luna!

 We had to say an early goodbye to Luna who moved to Japan before the end of the school year. We'll miss Luna but she assured us that she will be back for high school and will return to 'Ike for our Senior Event! Best of luck to Luna and her family! 

Cafeteria Staff Appreciation

 On the week of April 24 we celebrated our hard-working Cafeteria Staff! It was a team effort to get this done! Thank you to Mia and Kelsie for making the poster. Lia, Ellie Ryder and Kelsie created the banner all all 'Ike students and staff signed. Lia and Ellie wrote and delivered the appreciation speech on behalf of all 'Ike students! 

Field Trip to Ice Palace

 On May 9 we joined the CPOs on an end of year field trip to the Ice Palace. The purpose of this day was to have fun after a year of  service to our school and community. We appreciate Mrs. Sugimoto, Mr. Munechika and Mrs. Fukuji for being chaperones! Thank you to all the Student Council families for your commitment to service this year! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fifth Grade Game Planners

 Olivia, Aria and Anna have volunteered to plan the games for our last SC meeting on May 22. The girls have been meeting often to ensure that everyone will have a fun last meeting! 

Student Council Elections

 Congratulations to all the current Student Council Members who were nominated by their classes to run for Office for next school year: Micayla, Ryder, Samuel and Jaxon all did a great job with their election speeches! Sorry that we didn't get photos of everyone! Thanks to Lia for being emcee! 

U.S. District Court Field Trip

Our field trip to U.S. District Court on April 4 was a fun and informative day! Our group was fortunate to hear from the following speakers:

Jill A. Otake, District Court Judge

Clare Connors, U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaii

Grace Canella, U.S. Probation Officer

Jacquelyn Esser, Assistant Federal Defender

Angelique Kahao-Poe, Deputy U.S. Marshal

Dexter Gapusan, Deputy U.S. Marshal 

Thank you to our chaperone Ms. Makishi for joining us and taking these great photos!