Friday, March 31, 2017

Fun at Ice Palace!

Student Council, Hui Na Lamaku and Campus Police Officers serve our school and community throughout the year. On March 30, 2017 they had a day of fun the Ice Palace! It was a day of smiles on the bus ride,  skating (or trying to!) and just enjoying time with friends.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Field Trip to the U.S. District Court

The Student Council Members had a very educational field trip to United States District Court on March 3, 2017. Our visit included:
  • Remarks by Judge Leslie E. Kobayashi which included an overview of the hearing we observed and followed by questions and answers
  • Observation of Judge Derrick K. Watson's hearing
  • Presentation by U.S. Pretrial Services Office
  • Presentation and tour by U.S. Marshals Service (included holding cell, elevator and transport vehicle)
Our students asked great questions and represented 'Ike well!

Hawaiian Humane Society Collection

On March 1, 2017 we did a goods drive for the Hawaiian Humane Society. We collected enough needed items to fill the HHS small van that picked up the donations!
Thank you to our Student Council Members who shared information about the collection with their classes and helped on collection day.

Olaloa Dance

On February 24, 2017 the Mililani Complex Student Councils hosted a dance for the seniors at the Olaloa Retirement Community Center.
The residents enjoyed the games, entertainment, dancing, prizes and food that was provided by the Mililani schools. Most importantly, it was a chance for the youth and senior members of our community to connect and enjoy each other!
Our Mililani 'Ike SC Officers were emcees for the event and did a great job representing our school and the younger residents of our community!